Reducing incidental catches and consumption of sharks in the Southern Adriatic.
The project aims to reduce bycatch of sharks, turtles, seabirds and cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea and increase data collection on bycatch.
Involve key stakeholders in the region to support the transformation of the southern Adriatic longline fleet towards better bycatch practice and management
Raise awareness on shark extinction issues in civil society
Encourage the adoption of shark conservation measures in Italy and Albania, then on a wider scale

The Mediterranean Sea is considered one of the most dangerous places in the world for sharks and rays, with more than 50% of its species at risk of extinction. Sharks are indicators of ocean health: as apex predators, they influence the balance of the food web and the overall structure and functioning of marine ecosystems. Their decline has significant ecological consequences for marine communities. The Adriatic Sea hosts nursery and spawning areas for many shark species and the presence of an important swordfish fishery in the Southern Adriatic, is likely to impact sharks transiting to nursery and spawning grounds. That is why we are developing this project in this region, to reduce incidental catches and consumption of sharks.