map mitigating dolphin depredation

Mitigating Dolphin Depredation

Strengthening cetacean conservation and sustainable fisheries.

The Mitigating Dolphin Depredation project aims to strengthen cetacean conservation and sustainable fisheries by reducing depredation and expanding the regional network of expertise on depredation.


  • Assess and mitigate, in a harmonized way, depredation caused by cetaceans in purse seine fisheries in Morocco and Tunisia and in small-scale fisheries in Andalucía (Spain), in Sicily (Italy) and Malta. 

  • Provide robust data on depredations via onboard observations 

  • Demonstrate the viability of technical mitigation measures that can reduce the impact of depredations on cetaceans 

  • Engage participating countries in good practices to address the depredations issue. 

julie belmont accobams
Julie Belmont
Julie is a marine biologist and an international cooperation specialist. She is a Project Officer for the ACCOBAMs Survey Initiative for Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. She is also a coordinator for the Mitigating Dolphin Depredation project.


16 logo life low impact fishers of europe
7 logo accobams
26 logo inat institut national agronomique tunisie
23 logo inrh institut national recherche halieutique
25 logo instm institut national sciences technologies mer
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36 logo mcast malta college art science technology
6 logo spa rac
37 logo ahe asociacion herpetologica espanola

Depredation caused by cetaceans (in particular bottlenose dolphins) in fisheries – when dolphins partially or completely remove catches from fishing gear – is a growing matter of concern for several fisheries in the Mediterranean. Socio-economic impacts caused by the damages to the fishing gears and the loss of catches create situations of conflicts between fishers and dolphins, weakening the conservation and sustainability efforts promoted by the Mediterranean countries. Based on this observation, the project was born to find solutions.

Budget (total) : 713,625€

interview julie belmont accobams

Meet Julie Belmont from ACCOBAMS

Julie works to find concrete solutions for fishers while protecting cetacean in the Mediterranean.