Restoring Posidonia oceanica meadows in the Gulf of Oristano
The aim of the MED-SEA-GRASS project is to restore the integrity of priority marine habitat Posidonia oceanica meadow, through environmental engineering interventions, to act to repopulate a degraded area of the Sinis MPA, and to protect the habitat through the development of a mooring management system in the Marine Protected Area.
- Map Posidonia oceanica meadow distribution and identifying degraded areas
- Implement a demonstration activity to restore critical degraded Posidonia oceanica meadow
- Design an app to monitor mooring activities and their impacts on the habitat
- Introduce an eco-fee for mooring users to be reinvested in the MPA for a continuous seagrass meadows conservation

Francesca Frau
Francesca is a marine biologist and a diving expert specialized in priority habitats. She is the co-founder of the MedSea Foundation and the project coordinator of MedSeaGrass, a project restoring Posidonia oceanica meadows in Sardinia.

Posidonia oceanica is a seagrass species endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. It is recognised as a key habitat, hosting 20% of the species known for the Mediterranean Sea and provide provides services such as the protection of the shores against erosion and the storage of carbon. Illegal trawling, non-regular use of gillnets, small-scale fishing, and
non-regular anchoring of pleasure boats are among the most important causes of degradation of the integrity of the Posidonia oceanica meadow. It is on these observations that the project was born and aims to support sustainable artisanal seafood commodity markets. It was with these alarming observations that the project was launched.
Budget (total) : 210,000€

Restoring Posidonia: encouraging results despite a difficult path
MedSea Grass: fighting against Posidonia degradation, through thick and thin.