MedKey Habitats
Carrying out an inventory of the main marine habitats of conservation interest.
The project aims to carry out an inventory of the main marine habitats of conservation interest in the Mediterranean.
The MedKeyHabitats project produced several maps and data that were provided to the relevant national authorities to be used as a tool for sustainable coastal zone planning and management. The MedKeyHabitats II project’s outputs include:
- Characterize species and habitats in 14 pilot sites
- • Update maps of marine habitats produced in 10 pilot sites (MPAs + future MPAs + Special Areas of Conservation)
- Monitor of seagrass meadows and coralligenous populations / set up of 12 monitoring systems of Posidonia oceanica meadows in 4 pilot sites and 5 monitoring stations in 3 pilot sites for corraligenous population
- Carry out a socio-economic study and assessment of the impact of fishing on habitats in 11 pilot sites
- Produce maps of vulnerability to fishing activities and development of zoning proposals and/or fishing activity management measures to reduce the impact on marine habitats in 13 pilot sites
- Develop a national action plan for the conservation of marine vegetation in Cyprus
- Develop a synthesis of current knowledge on Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages and on sea caves in the Mediterranean
- Organize of the regional symposia on key marine habitats and non-native species

Yassine is a marine biologist and a diving expert specialized in Posidonia oceanica meadows. He is a project manager at the UNEP-MAP SPA/RAC in Tunis, and project coordinator of the MedKey Habitat project filling knowledge gaps on deepwater marine ecosystems.
The MedKeyHabitats project starts in 2013 to enhance knowledge on marine habitats through mapping and characterization activities in 5 future Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The project aims to assist the beneficiary countries to meet their obligations under the Barcelona Convention, particularly with regard to marine biodiversity conservation and the development of a well-connected and effective system of marine protected areas in the Mediterranean.
Budget (total) : 1,250,100€