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Foodnected – Towards sustainable and fair food systems

Building a widely shared approach about sustainable food.

The Foodnected project is building a widely shared approach about sustainable food.


  • Define a widely shared approach to fair and sustainable food system 

  • Pilot initiatives to develop market solutions for sustainable food production/consumption 

  • Capitalise on learnings and advocacy at the regional level 

  • Facilitate replication across the Mediterranean and other sea-basins

paula barbeito
Paula Barbeito
Paula is marine scientist and an expert in sustainability studies, specialized in small-scale fisherfolks and their communities. She is the Slow Fish Campaign Coordinator at Slow Food Foundations for Biodiversity and coordinator of the Foodnected project.


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The globalized and industrialized current food system is unsustainable, with significant impacts on the environment and climate. It is highly responsible for environmental degradation in terms of emission of greenhouse gases, misuse, overexploitation and pollution of natural resources, degradation of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity, both terrestrial and marine. Food consumption across the globe causes about 37% of the total anthropogenic GHGs emissions (IPCC, 2019) and about 26% of humanity’s Ecological Footprint, while 70% of global freshwater withdrawals are used for agriculture. The Foodnected project is designed to promote the transition to sustainable and fair food systems in the Mediterranean region.

Budget (total) : 1,193,324€

knowledge artisanal fishing transition

Sharing knowledge for artisanal fishing sector transition

Building the regional picture knowledge shared by fishing communities through generations.