Reducing fishing pressure on Mediterranean ecosystems and protecting marine biodiversity
We are NGOs, International Organisations, research centres, private companies, networks or foundations. We are all committed to reducing the pressures on Mediterranean biodiversity. We work together to bring fisheries sustainability, reduce their impact on seagrass meadows and coralligenous habitats, reduce the accidental bycatch of cetaceans, seabirds, sea turtles and sharks, or reduce the negative interactions between fishers and marine mammals. We are Together for the Med, and we want to share our story.
Our actions
We are engaged to mitigate the impact of fisheries on biodiversity, protect key sensitive areas and promote sustainable fishing practices. We are united to collect data on bycatch and depredation and to facilitate ongoing engagement and collaboration with cooperative fishers.
We promote a co-management approach at the regional level through communication, experience sharing, networking and capacity building by and for coastal communities.
We mobilize and advocate to scaling up successful local solutions, accelerate the implementation of current legislation, influence European and Mediterranean policies, and develop a stronger biodiversity framework for the Mediterranean.
We foster a shift towards sustainable practices for Mediterranean fisheries via the implementation of certification, labelling process and the accessibility of sustainable seafood alternatives for consumers.
We ensure long-term financial sustainability, essential for effective MPA management. We create new mechanisms to guarantee the financial sustainability of fishermen that shift to sustainable fisheries practices.
Our impact
Our partnership is rich on several levels: nature of the partners, geographical and cultural diversity, subjects: scientific, entrepreneurial, and political issues.
We want to capitalize on the successes of the projects, share them through concrete examples, but especially communicate them to the marine conservation community.
We want to value the results that we have managed to achieve together, what the cumulative activities, synergies, sharing and financial support of MAVA have allowed to emerge; and how in 5 years of collaborative work, we have been able to make a difference for marine conservation ecologically, economically and above all humanely.
Where do we work ?

Our News

An article co-led by BirdLife Europe highlights the urgent need to address seabird bycatch in European waters

Financial support for small-scale fishers in Greece